Skeptics fear Interstate Bridge will be too high for bikers and walkers

In response to climate and transportation activists who are wary of expanding I-5, both Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (IBRP) leadership and politicians who voted ‘aye’ on the project have gestured to a consolation prize. IBRP planners – correctly – point out that the current bridge is unfriendly to people using active transportation, given the small … Read more

E-bikes a better way to help people than cheaper gas, says Oregon Congressman Blumenauer

“I don’t want to sound like ‘Johnny-one-note’ with our cycling agenda, but burning calories instead of fossil fuel is something that will make a difference right now.” -Earl Blumenauer Thanks to inflation and the war in Ukraine, gas prices have hit record highs, and in the car-dependent United States, a lot of people across the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Biking, walking access lags on Washington County bridges

Bike access seems to have been an afterthought on this bridge over the Tualatin River on 99W.(Photos: Jim “K’tesh” Parsons) Back in December, amid smiles and celebrations at the groundbreaking for the Sellwood Bridge project, our roving West Side correspondent Jim Parsons reflected at the poor state bridge access on many Washington County roads. With … Read more

Sidewalk in Tigard shows potential for suburban cycle tracks

Is this a cycle track?Not quite.(Photos: Will Vanlue) You may not think the city of Tigard (about 10 miles southwest of Portland) has anything in common with Amsterdam or Copenhagen. The latter two cities are world-renowned for their bicycle facilities while Tigard is known mostly for its freeways and shopping malls. But there is one … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Video of the Week: Scenes from a New York City bike lane

Just finished watching My Commuted Commute, a video that I think everyone should spend five minutes to check out. A woman from New York City, Rachel Brown, shot helmet cam footage and offers commentary about what it’s like to ride in one of the new, green-painted, curbside bike lanes. For all the positive buzz NYC … Read more