BikePortland is a media outlet that reaches thousands of people daily across our platforms. We have built a large and loyal following by providing daily, independent, honest community journalism since 2005.
We provide target audiences deeply interested in
Portland · Oregon · Bicycling · Transit · Land Use · Public Policy & Politics · Breaking News · Urbanism · Community Events · and lots more!
Our Audience
BikePortland’s audience is large and influential. Our readers are engaged and active in our comments section, on social media and within their communities. We respect our audience and want to partner with brands and businesses who “get” that BikePortland is a respected news outlet with an impressive daily reach and a powerful source of advocacy and community-building that makes a real impact.
Why We Exist
BikePortland is here to share information and serve our community. We believe that honest, independent, local journalism is an essential building block of a healthy city.
Advertising revenue is an important way businesses can support us while promoting their work and causes.
What We Do
We publish 2-5 stories a day, email our daily headlines every morning, maintain a comprehensive bike-related events calendar, offer a job listings service, organize offline events, keep our social media accounts well fed with original content like videos, photos, and commentary — and much more.
What We’re Not
We’re not cheap. Because we’re a very lean operation we don’t have the capacity to work with a large number of ad partners. We prefer to work on deep partnerships with a manageable amount of clients who are ready to commit for at least three months (although we regularly do shorter campaigns). That being said, we have a wide range of options that fit almost any budget.
What We Are: A Perfect Home For Local Brands
People who follow BikePortland are smart and engaged influencers who love cycling and are fiercely loyal to local brands and businesses. Let us introduce you and connect your stories, services, and products to our audience. Request a media kit by emailing
Our Advertising Philosophy
Local businesses are vital to making Portland great and we love helping them succeed. Far from a necessary evil, we see advertising as a partnership. Our goal is to create advertising that supports our work, achieves your marketing goals, and provides value for our audience.
What We Offer
Here are some of our most common ad campaign elements:
- article content sponsorship
- email newsletter sponsorship
- social media mentions
- featured event listings
- banner ads
- special coverage sponsorships
- sponsored articles
We can work with you to create an ad campaign tailor-made for your goals, timeline, and budget. What are your ideas? We are flexible and love coming up with creative campaigns.
Comment of the Week: The public health angle should matter more