The bike infrastructure of NYC (Photo Gallery)
I think you’ll be simultaneously jealous and appalled.
I think you’ll be simultaneously jealous and appalled.
It’s one thing for a city to have a marquee bike project here or there — but it’s another thing entirely to get people across town by bike on a connected network that is legible and safe. During my recent trip to New York City, I had to get to Williamsburg, Brooklyn for a story. … Read more
It worked beautifully. And it looked even better.
Photographing people on their bikes in New York City was an absolute joy.
If you’re an urban activist (or just an admirer of the work they do), I highly recommend checking this place out.
Despite challenges, the Big Apple is an invigorating city to ride in.
There’s been a lot of talk in Portland in recent years about the need for transportation reform advocates to take a more intersectional, coalition-oriented approach when pushing for big changes. The NYC 25×25 campaign launched Monday by New York City-based nonprofit Transportation Alternatives looks to have set the standard by which all such efforts will … Read more
Like their bold reclamation of Broadway Boulevard and Times Square Plaza a decade ago, the New York City Department of Transportation has once again changed the game. They’ve pushed through serious opposition to create bus-only lanes on one of the busiest streets in Manhattan. Neighborhood groups filed a lawsuit to stop the project, claiming spillover … Read more
Portland has a choice to make. Do we accept status quo or do something to change it?
Janette Sadik-Khan will speak in Portland two days this month.
The pair hope to leave Portland with an unfamiliar and powerful insight: sometimes, improvisation works.
“The best way to be a successful bike advocate is to be a successful Vision Zero advocate.”
Comment of the Week: What the police say (and don’t say) in crash statements