Here’s how to make the $7.5 billion IBR project suck less
The bike facility is clearly inadequate and won’t attract riders unless key changes are made.
The bike facility is clearly inadequate and won’t attract riders unless key changes are made.
“How are we supposed to understand the environmental impacts when there’s nothing in there we can believe?”
Released now that the project team has raised over half the estimated construction cost.
What activists are thinking as we dive into the draft environmental impact statement.
Bad faith or not, these comments are disturbing.
More visual goodies, but they only show stuff people tend to like.
You know a project is expensive when a ‘mega-grant’ is just 8% of the total estimated cost.
He thinks it might end up lowering VMT and reducing emissions.
Advocates of the tunnel say the model ‘exposes false assumptions’ by IBRP staff.
It came during a meeting back in December that just surfaced online.
McLain is a Democrat, but she is to the right of Pham when it comes to transportation policy. This fight over HB 2098 has defined that contrast more than any other issue.
The bill reveals desperation at ODOT and among their supporters in the legislature.