Note: I'm currently dealing with a family medical emergency and am unable to work normal hours. You'll see guest articles and a lower volume of stories here (and on our social media accounts) and no coverage of breaking news until I return to Portland. Thanks for your understanding and support!
- Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Business Supporter Sign-up

Take this step to support BikePortland and you’ll help sustain and improve our unique brand of journalism while also gaining valuable exposure for your business. *See the businesses who have already signed up!*

For $60 per month, you will:
➤ strengthen your community by supporting BikePortland,
➤ have your logo and link added to our business directory (link appears on Front Page),
➤ be able to submit press releases and other announcements for editorial consideration on BikePortland,
➤ receive an introductory mention of gratitude to our social media audience.

You can sign-up below for either a monthly or annual subscription. Thank you! (*We also offer more robust advertising partnerships that include content and event sponsorship, premium banner ads, social media promotion and more. Please contact Jonathan Maus at for more information.)