No love for I-5 Rose Quarter project at city council hearing
The only two voices in support were paid ODOT staffers.
The only two voices in support were paid ODOT staffers.
Here’s the latest on the rally and walk to City Hall by the No More Freeway Expansions coalition today (9/7): Media Contact: Aaron Brown Coalition Prepares to Testify Against Freeway Expansion at City Council, citing Induced Demand, Climate Disruption, Traffic Safety September 7, 2017 – A coalition of public health experts, small business owners, … Read more
No project without pricing says PBOT commish.
“To urge legislators to support HB 2017 was to urge support of a compromise.”
Let the highway builders build, they say. It’ll be different this time, they say.
The most organized and diverse freeway opposition in decades.
All signs point to a robust debate.
A few things you might have missed.
To fix the problem, better to stop investing in the thing that caused it.
Once considered extreme, highway building is creeping into the mainstream.
He blames “fake news”.
“It is completely inappropriate for the head of TriMet to advocate for… highway widening.”