joe cortright
Opinion: Portland’s scooter success exposes stark double standard
Maybe it’s time to critically appraise the failed, 110-year experiment with cars.
2017 Year-in-review: More driving, more dying
If people drove fewer miles, we’d save more lives.
Guest post: The death of Flint Street, one of Portland’s major bike routes
All in the name of a wider I-5.
Planned widening of I-5 at the Rose Quarter is Portland’s next big freeway fight
All signs point to a robust debate.
Oregon’s climate change hypocrisy on full display in transportation bill debate
The climate doesn’t care about your politics.
Guest opinion: ODOT management audit misleads, omits key facts
“An audit that fails to acknowledge and document the agencies failures cannot provide any practical advice on how to prevent their recurrence.”
Active Transportation Summit dispatch: Vision Zero and the myth of freight
The summit kicked off with talk of reforming government, freight myths, and street safety.
Guest article: How should Portland pay for streets?
1. Don’t tax houses to subsidize cars.
Economist Joe Cortright launches ‘virtual think tank’
Home page Joe Cortright, a Portland-based economist who specializes in making the case for urban innovation and active transportation and was a powerful critic of the failed Columbia River Crossing project, has launched City Observatory, a “virtual think tank” that will be “devoted to data-driven analysis of cities and the policies that shape them.” Topics … Read more
Comment of the Week: Winning over a palm tree skeptic