I-5 widening plan up for vote at City Council Thursday

ODOT’s dream to widen I-5 near the Rose Quarter could take a big step forward tomorrow.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) On Wednesday, a plan by the Oregon Department of Transportation to widen I-5 near the Rose Quarter will be considered for adoption by City Council. The I-5 Broadway/Weidler Facility Plan, which includes freeway and surface street … Read more

Activists blast plans to widen I-5 freeway near Rose Quarter

Active Right of Way (AROW), an all-volunteer transportation activism group, is expressing “serious reservations” with the Draft N/NE Quadrant and I-5 Broadway/Weidler Facility Plans. The project is a collaboration between the City of Portland and the State of Oregon that will spend $400 million to widen I-5 through the Rose Quarter and make a number … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Public hearing tomorrow for N/NE Quadrant and I-5 Broadway/Weidler plans

The Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission is hosting a public hearing on the Draft N/NE Quadrant and I-5 Broadway/Weidler Facility Plans. This is the major, two-year public process to figure out how to deal with this crucial central city area — from both a zoning/planning perspective and from a transportation perspective. The I-5 plan, as … Read more

City, ODOT reveal $400 million freeway expansion plans near Rose Quarter

The plans would get rid of existing bridge on Flint and build a new overcrossing at Hancock. After 16 months of meetings and open houses, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will share their “Draft I-5 Facility Plan” at a public, stakeholder advisory committee (SAC) tonight. The plans … Read more

ODOT set to unveil plans for I-5 expansion near Rose Quarter (Tonight)

ODOT and PBOT planners presented the designs to the Bike Advisory Committee last month.(Photo © J. Maus) ODOT, in partnership with PBOT, will unveil their plans for a I-5 freeway expansion project near the Rose Quarter at an open house in the Lloyd Center Mall tonight. The plan, which is being done as part of … Read more

Tonight: Three-day workshop for I-5/Rose Quarter traffic revamp begins

Just another day on Broadway near I-5.(Photo © J. Maus) Tonight at ODOT headquarters in Northwest Portland, City and state transportation officials will host a public meeting to discuss how to best improve the transportation system around the I-5/Broadway/Weidler interchange near the Rose Quarter. The event is part of the N/NE Quadrant Project, a “unique … Read more

Portlanders ask for better bicycling at first N/NE Quadrant open house

Scene from the N/NE Quadrant Project open house last month.(Photo: City of Portland) The City of Portland and the Oregon Department of Transportation have recently embarked on a public outreach process to garner input that will inform their N/NE Quadrant and I-5 Broadway/Weidler Plans. The idea is to integrate land use and urban design planning … Read more