More problems on paths as driver smashes onto Springwater and man slashes trail user
More incursions of violence into what should be safe public spaces.
More incursions of violence into what should be safe public spaces.
New dates and closure details confirmed.
They’re lucky to be alive, and we’re lucky for the stalwart service of one mighty bollard.
Use it as evidence in debates over just how bad – or not – the paths are.
A veteran advocate shines light on the ULF.
From the comment section, to the DA’s office.
This case is an indictment of our entire system on many levels.
50 mph on the Springwater. We are very lucky no one was hurt.
The Portland Bureau of Environmental Services wants to build a new bike trail with its Springwater floodplain restoration project.
(Photos of new striping by Betsy Reese. Plan drawings from PBOT)