Witnesses say TriMet employee drove recklessly, used truck to threaten riders
The employee is under investigation after the incident spooked dozens of riders.
The employee is under investigation after the incident spooked dozens of riders.
More incursions of violence into what should be safe public spaces.
Riders are frazzled and want more public education about group bicycle rides.
He made the comments at last week’s City Council meeting.
Dangerous driving, unsafe road design, and a sprawling homeless camp made this location a ticking time bomb.
Another family traumatized forever because of a selfish driver.
“I’m fed up with having my safety threatened every time I leave my home.”
“The most effective immediate intervention is enforcement, penalties and public awareness regarding breaking traffic laws.”
Portlanders are reeling over a spate of traffic deaths (again), and there’s no clear plan or leader to turn the tide.
“I want to show you the real person behind the statistic.”
It’s the second time in less than a year that a person was killed by a driver while waiting at a bus stop.
The most common dangerous behaviors we see in public come from car drivers.
Comment of the Week: Winning over a palm tree skeptic