portland city council
“Induced Demand” singer Paul Rippey is Portland’s new transportation hero
And the thing we need to understand is, induced demand.
City Council candidate transportation forum set for April 5th
Time to get educated.
#WorkzoneFTW? City may require walking and biking routes around building sites
But the draft policy stops short of saying that walking and biking are always higher priorities.
Commissioner Fritz floats another idea: Car-free streets
Whatever you think about Fritz’s other takes on bikes, it’s nice to hear someone saying that out loud.
Council sends gas tax to ballot behind wide range of supporters
Interest groups have all but coalesced support around gas tax.
‘Fix Our Streets’ gas tax campaign prepares to launch Wednesday
The new concept is a public vote for a temporary local gas tax of 10 cents per gallon.
Big day at City Hall affects pedicabs, taxi safety and backyard homes
Commissioner Amanda Fritz played a key role in all three votes.
As city council weighs bike share agreement, three of five votes look certain
This time around, the council seemed less stressed about the concept.
Commissioners Fish and Fritz warm to income tax to pay for streets
Can Portland’s proposed transportation income tax count to three?
Sunday vigil set to honor and remember Steve Fritz
All of Portland is hurting for Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz’s family this week.
Council candidate Sharon Maxwell played role in Williams Ave re-design process
Sharon Maxwell at an open house for the Williams Avenue Traffic Safety and Operations Project in April 2011.(Photo by J. Maus/BikePortland) Sharon Maxwell, the latest challenger to Commissioner Nick Fish’s seat on Portland City Council, might be a familiar name to many BikePortland readers. Maxwell spoke up early and often during the public process to … Read more