How would 42 Portland political candidates help us reach Vision Zero?
Question #2 asks how candidates would save lives.
Question #2 asks how candidates would save lives.
‘Rest on red’ is the latest tool used by PBOT to slow drivers down.
The suspect has shot at cameras at least seven times in the past two weeks.
Another city council meeting to talk about the road safety crisis. Will anything be different this time?
Given that we have just two years to get to zero and we are coming off our highest tally of fatals in three decades, the council discussion could get spicy.
It’s crunch-time in the race to save lives on Portland streets.
Oversized trucks and SUVs are now a key part of PBOT’s “Safe Systems” approach to road safety.
My reporting will focus on the Vision Zero conference and NYC’s bike infrastructure and street culture.
Vision Zero and speed limit reduction were the topics of presentations at a Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) Friday Transportation Seminar at Portland State University last week. Clay Veka, Portland Bureau of Transportation Vision Zero program coordinator introduced the bureau’s “Safe Systems” approach to speed management, and Portland State University Research Associate and Adjunct … Read more