Read this before you attend Tuesday’s public hearing on the 2025 transportation bill
Which narratives will become policy and survive into the final bill?
Which narratives will become policy and survive into the final bill?
Jump on this chance to fund your dream idea.
When Mapps thinks “back to the basics,” does that include funding for bikeways?
If you’ve got a bike-related dream that just needs a bit of funding to become reality, don’t miss this opportunity!
Current proposal is an $8 fee on single family residents and $5.60 for multifamily.
Something’s gotta’ give and it will likely be taxpayers giving more.
Now it’s the Oregon Legislature’s turn to step up and put more money into this pot. The question is: How much are they willing to spend?
The report offers a detailed analysis of key revenue sources and rates them according to an equity score.
Comment of the Week: What the police say (and don’t say) in crash statements