Get your high schooler into transportation at free PSU summer camp
Did you know the vaunted urban planning department at Portland State University hosts a free, week-long summer camp for high school students?
Did you know the vaunted urban planning department at Portland State University hosts a free, week-long summer camp for high school students?
“E-bikes are the future!” That’s what Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone proclaimed at a forum earlier this week. Iannarone is bullish on e-bikes not just because she’s an expert on innovative transportation solutions (thanks in part to her work at First Stop Portland), but because she rides an e-bike herself. Many that ride e-bikes quickly … Read more
With protected bike lanes all the rage in Portland and throughout the U.S., a big question remains: What about intersections? After all, protection on the blockface doesn’t mean much when you come face-to-face with a drivers’ car at the intersection.
Better Block mainstreams its successful tactical urbanism approach.
Aaron Brown is our special TRB correspondent.
Portlanders leading the way on bike share research.
People make trips, cars don’t.
It’ll be an introduction to transportation careers.
The Portland metro area seems to have already discovered how to slow the growth of traffic congestion.
Electric-assist bikes are growing in the United States and Portland too.