Average apartment building costs fell sharply during no-parking apartment boom
Data suggests housing watchdogs may have been right.
Welcome to our special coverage of how real estate and housing are closely intertwined with bicycling in Portland. We’ll track the latest bike-friendly developments (both commercial and residential) and share our analysis of how low-car trends are impacting the places we live and work. The Real Estate Beat is edited and produced by our News Editor Michael Andersen.
Data suggests housing watchdogs may have been right.
Seattle’s housing breakthrough may have lessons for keeping bikeable parts of Portland affordable.
Plans for city action are already underway, officials said.
An eight-figure bet that driving to the Rose Quarter area is going to remain popular for decades.
Oregon just got some powerful new voices in support of mandating income-diverse neighborhoods.
Happy new year, Portland. Pick your poison.
Whether you hate demolitions, love garages, yearn to live in a duplex or just think the rent is too damn high, now’s your chance to let the city know.
A way to quell neighborhood concerns about new development.
Got a new job in Portland? Have a new bike.
There aren’t many ways that a new six-story $13 million parking garage subsidized by a health care company is good news.
“We just think it’s a somewhat overlooked city and it shouldn’t be.”