Not just bikes: new paper says bike lane design must evolve
As our vehicle fleet evolves, so too should our infrastructure.
As our vehicle fleet evolves, so too should our infrastructure.
The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) was formed as a counterweight to the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The group exists to promote more progressive and innovative street designs that reflect how Americans actually want to live in cities. NACTO has 49 member cities and just announced three new transit … Read more
Minneapolis, NYC and SF all have more miles of bikeway per square mile and have been adding it faster.
Curb extensions are great. But for bike infrastructure, they’re a problem.
The street design guide endorsement will (hopefully) give city planners license to innovate.
NACTO’s design guides are the standardized tests of the bike/pedestrian planning world, but maybe Oregon is already among the gifted and talented.
Over the last week or so, a bunch of great ideas from other cities have been washing up on our digital shorelines.
When it comes down to curbs and crosswalks, a great street is as much a product of design as a great mobile app.
Screenshot from NACTO website. The National Asssociation of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) released their Urban Street Design Guide yesterday. The new guide is being hailed by its creators as, “a blueprint for the 21st century streetscape” and it couldn’t come at a better time for Portland.
Next Tuesday (10/23) I will head to New York City to attend the NACTO Designing Cities conference. NACTO is the National Association for City Transportation Officials, a group that was formed as a counterbalance to AASHTO, the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials. In a nutshell, the folks behind NACTO (whose founders include … Read more
Screenshot of NACTO’s new website. The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) — a coalition of 15 major U.S. cities — announced the official launch of their long-awaited Urban Bikeway Design Guide today. The guide is a product of NACTO’s ‘Cities for Cycling’ initiative that debuted back in December 2009. In a press release, … Read more