NP Greenway among 11 projects pegged for Metro flexible funding

“We believe the needs of our marginalized voices are being ignored. The disparity of funding that is coming out to Washington County is stark.” – Steve Callaway, Mayor of Hillsboro Last spring, we looked at some of the projects transportation agencies in the Portland metro area asked Metro to fund through their 2025-2027 Regional Flexible … Read more

With 6-1 vote, Metro Council endorses I-5 Columbia River Bridge project

Following a unanimous vote at the Portland City Council in favor of the current plan for the Interstate Bridge Replacement, the Oregon Metro Council voted 6 to 1 to do the same Thursday, with only staunch project critic Mary Nolan in dissent. The vote signals the incredible momentum that this $4-5 billion megaproject has as … Read more

PSU and Metro study shows active transportation investment helps the economy

“Projects are more likely to reach their full potential when they reduce the effects of an auto-oriented environment.” Have projects funded with Oregon Metro’s Regional Flexible Funds provided an economic return on investment? In partnership with Metro, Portland State University researchers embarked on a study to find out, and analyzed 12 of these projects funded … Read more

City of Portland asks Metro for $71 million to build bike paths, crossings, and safer streets

It’s that time again when transportation agencies around the region turn their attention to Metro in hopes of winning a chunk of the Regional Flexible Funds Allocation (RFFA). This is a coveted source of funding for trails, paths, and bike-centric infrastructure. It’s “flexible” because, unlike the lion’s share of federal funding, it’s not tied to … Read more