Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Tonight (or online): Tell Metro where to spend $28 million in federal funds

Imagine the Willamette Greenway Trail extending the Esplanade to St. Johns.(Photo: Scott Mizee/npGreenway) It’s that time of year again when Metro seeks your comments on how they should spend millions of dollars in federal funds through their regional flexible funding program (also known as MTIP, the Metropolitian Transportation Improvement Program). A key part of that … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Metro’s ‘Connecting Green’ trail effort off and running

Metro Council president David Bragdon addressing members of his Blue Ribbon Committee for Trails at their inaugural meeting earlier this month.(All photos © J. Maus) With an impressive first meeting of their Blue Ribbon Committee for Trails and a new video (watch it below) for their Connecting Green initiative, Metro’s ambitious effort to “create the … Read more