City of Portland asks Metro for $71 million to build bike paths, crossings, and safer streets

It’s that time again when transportation agencies around the region turn their attention to Metro in hopes of winning a chunk of the Regional Flexible Funds Allocation (RFFA). This is a coveted source of funding for trails, paths, and bike-centric infrastructure. It’s “flexible” because, unlike the lion’s share of federal funding, it’s not tied to … Read more

Greenway Trail gets boost from The Oregonian; but it needs more

Riding along the river on what should be a fully connected and developed trail.(Photo © J. Maus) The North Portland Greenway Trail is on the cover of the “InPortland” section of The Oregonian today. The exposure for the project is an important boost to the project — whose backers need more political support to make … Read more

North Portland greenway trail moves toward vision

[Potential trail would go near University of Portland.]Photo: Scott Mizee/npGreenway Last night in North Portland the community got an update on npGreenway’s vision for a new riverfront trail that will someday link the St. John’s Bridge to the Eastbank Esplanade. A group of of about 25 citizens, trail advocates, and neighborhood leaders came together to … Read more