Oregon Senator will withdraw bill that sought to ban e-bikes from bike lanes
Add another ill-conceived, “conversation starter” bill to the scrap heap.
Add another ill-conceived, “conversation starter” bill to the scrap heap.
It would save a lot of time and trouble if lawmakers would be a bit more careful with bill language.
Indecision about passing can lead to anger and bad choices. This bill looks to prevent that.
Eugene-area Senator Floyd Prozanski will play a big role in whether or not a major effort to boost bicycle spending in Oregon will get the green light.
When Oregon’s landmark “Bike Bill” passed in 1971, America was in the throes of a major bike boom. 50 years later a group of Portland bike advocates think our current cycling resurgence is the right time to update it The nonprofit Street Trust has announced plans to seek an amendment to ORS 366.514. This law … Read more
Your emails this weekend could make all the difference.
Hopefully the bill can keep moving through the process without coming to a complete stop.
Idaho Stop: Easy to do, hard to pass.
10 years after it was last debated in the Oregon Legislature, a concept known as “Idaho Stop” has once again found its way into a bill. And it passed its first committee vote yesterday, just hours before a key legislative deadline. Senate Bill 998 wasn’t on anyone’s radar before last week. Up until then it … Read more
The Oregonian is reporting that Oregon state senator Floyd Prozanski is backing off his idea to introduce a law would have made helmets mandatory for adults. The O’s Michelle Cole says Prozanski felt pressure to pull back due to the negative response he received. She wrote, “Prozanski also got a pounding this week from bloggers…”. … Read more
[Updated 6/14/07, 7:51pm][Updated 6/15/07, 1:15pm] A bill that seemed to come out of nowhere (I didn’t know about it until I read the Statesman Journal this morning) and that started out having nothing to do with bicycle safety, has passed the House, and is set to become Oregon’s first safe passing legislation that specifically protects … Read more