Coronavirus updates: North St. Bags making PPE, OBRA benefit jersey, Sarah’s latest plan

As Portland settles into life during a public health crisis, local businesses, organizations, and community leaders continue to step up and adapt. Here’s a roundup of local coronavirus-related news… North St. Bags Makes the Switch Portland-based bag maker North St. Bags has joined the list of local companies making personal protective equipment. The company has … Read more

Portland bike shop will host event in support of mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone

“If we offend a few folks along the way, I guess that’s the cost of activism.”— Eva Frazier, Clever Cycles Sarah Iannarone is a serious challenger to incumbent Mayor Ted Wheeler. After coming out of nowhere to nab 12% of the vote in her first try at the mayor’s office in 2016, her campaign has … Read more

Big transportation ideas highlight Portland mayoral candidate’s ‘Green New Deal’ plan

Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone is no stranger to bold ideas. She spent years working at Portland State University leading educational tours for visiting leaders that focused on our city’s legacy of transformative urban planning decisions. Now, as Iannarone campaigns to unseat Mayor Ted Wheeler, she’s unveiled a “Climate Justice” policy plan that would be … Read more