Mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone addresses off-street path safety concerns
During a live, online conversation with a supporter Monday evening, mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone was asked how she’d address safety concerns and homeless camping on the Springwater Corridor path — an issue that has challenged Portland leaders for nearly a decade. The interview was with Portland-based attorney Alan Kessler. Kessler asked Iannarone to repeat an … Read more
Comment of the Week: Moderate position needed on safe cycling and homelessness issue
“If we want Portland to be taken seriously as a pedestrian and bike-friendly city, we need people to feel safe walking and biking, wherever they may be.”
North Portland neighborhoods request clear paths in homelessness statement
“We request that the City of Portland clear campsites located in parks, waterways and public paths.”— from a statement signed by four north Portland neighborhoods Four north Portland neighborhood associations have issued a joint statement about homelessness. Among their requests is that government agencies work harder to clear campsites located in parks and on public … Read more
PBOT Commissioner Chloe Eudaly’s statement on I-205 path conditions
She commented on our Facebook page.
Conditions on the I-205 path are unacceptable
With so few safe and direct alternatives, the I-205 multi-use path in east Portland is a crucial backbone in our transportation network. Unfortunately it’s been rendered nearly unusable due to an abundance of trash, personal belongings, and makeshift homes that have been built upon it.
Comment of the Week: A woman’s fear of riding on the I-205 path
Roberta is afraid to ride on this path.
Guest opinion: I’m disturbed by anti-houseless bigotry on BikePortland
“Reflect on why BikePortland is such a hotbed for aggressive rhetoric toward our unhoused neighbors.”
Where some see historic trail connection, others fear a home for urban campers
Last year’s fiasco on the Springwater looms over a new project proposal.
Parks bureau must address homeless campers before trails can be built at Gateway Green
Parks has already started the outreach and relocation effort.
Street Roots’ Israel Bayer on moving Springwater camps: ‘Do it surgically’
“If there are bad actors, get them out of there.”
Oregonian: Mayor Hales plans complete removal of camps along Springwater path
That’s according to “two sources familiar with the city’s intentions,” Willamette Week reports.