The 10 busiest bicycling spots in Portland
Can you guess any of them before taking a peek?
Can you guess any of them before taking a peek?
A seductive concept inspired by the simple strainer.
The alarm clock on my phone buzzed and made chirping sounds as I rubbed my eyes. It was 5:00 am and we had an Amtrak train to catch at Portland’s Union Station. My panniers and backpack were loaded the night before with all of our gear for the four day trip. I just needed to … Read more
E-bikes are to transportation what Steph Curry is to basketball*. They have changed the game. And there’s no going back. The e-bike revolution has been building for years, but it feels like the scales have tipped even more lately due to better and cheaper products on the market, high gas prices, climate change concerns, a … Read more
It all became very real yesterday. Actually, for those of us following this closely it’s been real for a while now. But Wednesday felt like the dam broke and we finally saw widespread acknowledgment — locally and nationally — that the Covid-19 outbreak is here and it’s time to act like it. With mass cancellations … Read more
For five precious hours yesterday, the City of Portland gave us a gift: They prohibited the use of cars on a loop of roads through downtown and the Central Eastside.
“This is gonna be in my head for the rest of my life.”
Enough roads to tailor an adventure for all ages and abilities.
One shop owner is so conflicted they wanted to remain anonymous.
One man’s activism led to a DMV breakthrough.
The backcountry byway makes this route a keeper.