A golden opportunity for Oregon cycling

Oregon has a golden opportunity to build two new velodromes, to further solidify our reputation as the premier state for cycling participation in the country, and to build lasting links between our elected officials and the one love we all share; bicycles. All that’s missing is your voice encouraging legislators in Salem to support the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Powerful misconceptions still drive the dialogue

Like any minority, as we work to move bicycles from an “alternative” mode of travel to a more widely used and mainstream transportation choice, we will be forced to defend deeply entrenched misconceptions and negative stereotypes. Even in Portland, America’s most bike-friendly city, many folks still lump anyone who uses a bicycle into one big … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Let's shift the dialogue on the Columbia Crossing project

The Columbia River Crossing project is moving into a crucial phase, and it’s headed in the wrong direction. A few weeks ago, I expressed concern about this project. Since then I’ve learned more and heard from many experts who share my concerns. It’s now clear to me that we need to do something to stop … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Passing thoughts on riding fast

[Editor’s note: This is the first contribution from John “Dabby” Campbell. Dabby is a veteran Portland bike messenger, bike polo player, and a prolific commenter on this site.] [John “Dabby” Campbell] If there is one thing that cycling allows, it is freedom. The ability to choose your path, to clear your head, enjoy the fresh … Read more

Concerns about the Crossing

[Transportation activist and blogger Chris Smith questionsthe Crossing at a panel discussion on 1/4/07.] Last night at my neighborhood meeting I heard two strange presentations. They both had to do with billion dollar mega-projects that are intended to increase capacity on Interstate 5 and thereby decrease congestion. As I listened I couldn’t help but feel … Read more

Oregonian columnist sings praises of pedal power

[From today’s Oregonian. Read the article.] For the second time in a row, Oregonian columnist Renee Mitchell has devoted her column (which appears on the front page of the Metro section) to the power of the pedal. Last Wednesday she wrote about how the community came together to recover Erin Greeson’s $2,000 stolen bike. Now, … Read more