Councilors to float $100 million sidewalk funding plan
The politics have lined up for sidewalks.
The politics have lined up for sidewalks.
Cyclists on the westside are sick and tired of being marginalized.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation is set to receive $20.6 million to build sidewalks in east and northeast Portland. And they’re also a partner with TriMet on a $55 million project award that will result in new sidewalks to connect to a forthcoming bus upgrade on 82nd Avenue. The funding is just the latest grant … Read more
The Hayhurst Neighborhood Association has appealed the approval of the Raleigh Crest subdivivision.
“This is a huge deal,” said PBOT Senior Planner Mike Serritella.
It’s over 800-feet long and neighbors hope it helps calm drivers and tensions in the neighborhood.
The neighbor who pushed for it says so far it’s an, “unmitigated success.”
The Nollan and Dolan Supreme Court decisions are an unseen force in Portland Land Use outcomes.
What’s even more important than the bike network is the networking it takes to build it.
More signs of life from Beaverton’s budding bike scene.
An event whose time has come!
Alpenrose prompted an all hands on deck gathering.