Is this ‘Bikehangar’ a residential parking solution for Portland?
“Being able to have secure bike parking in front is really nice and convenient.”
“Being able to have secure bike parking in front is really nice and convenient.”
Their resolution seeks to reduce the number of drivers on 25 school routes by next year.
It’s great to see them take action and address this problem with a cheap and easy solution.
A solid step forward. Now let’s add protection.
PBOT expects the curb to be more durable than removable bollards.
We don’t get world-class bikeways on American-class budgets.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation is set to receive $20.6 million to build sidewalks in east and northeast Portland. And they’re also a partner with TriMet on a $55 million project award that will result in new sidewalks to connect to a forthcoming bus upgrade on 82nd Avenue. The funding is just the latest grant … Read more
Aren’t we lucky to live in a city where we have so much excellent bike parking?!
The issue is coming to a head as e-biking soars in popularity in the Gorge.
Beyond populist rhetoric, what does the data say?
The bike facility is clearly inadequate and won’t attract riders unless key changes are made.
This has historically been one of the busiest bikeways not just in the city, but in the entire country.