New signal at NE Going and MLK finally working, but most riders don’t use it
If you don’t push the beg button, you don’t get the safety benefits.
If you don’t push the beg button, you don’t get the safety benefits.
Something was lost in translation between the city and county.
The rows rarely fill up in the bingo game of southwest bike infrastructure funding.
What activists are thinking as we dive into the draft environmental impact statement.
It won’t happen soon enough to reverse injuries to at least one rider.
It was more complex than expected and deemed not worth the risk.
We have a plan, we just need to build them and make the network good enough for people to actually use them.
At long last, we have bike lanes on the northernmost stretch of Willamette Blvd all the way to St. Johns.
Congratulations! Your bikeway is ready for prime time.
We’re onto 60% plans in the second part of this three-part series.
First in a three-part series by bikeway design workshop graduate Aaron Kuehn.
“The connection is alive!”