Man who used his truck as a weapon convicted of attempted murder
Frederick Moore killed Vincent Timothy with his truck on June 6th, 2022 outside of Eastport Plaza Shopping Center on SE 82nd and Center Street.
Frederick Moore killed Vincent Timothy with his truck on June 6th, 2022 outside of Eastport Plaza Shopping Center on SE 82nd and Center Street.
Joy family members and friends held out hope for a trial and some sense of closure. They got neither.
A reader forced me to revisit an important question.
Trucking advocates have used the study to file a lawsuit against ODOT that seeks tax refunds.
An elementary school student was hit Monday in southeast because a parked car reduced visibility.
Another reason why I’ve alway warned against playing into the false dichotomy of recreation versus transportation.
Robert Weeks now faces a 10-year prison sentence.
Changes are expected to be debated during the coming short legislative session.
Many trails will close if landowners worry about lawsuits.
The decision strengthens the Bike Bill and opens the door to a potential landmark ruling.
Real people and real consequences of missing bike infrastructure, the suit claims.
It’s part of an effort to “right-size the criminal justice system.”