Police have made 85 traffic arrests in our region since Friday night
They pulled over 1,213 people and wrote 730 citations.
They pulled over 1,213 people and wrote 730 citations.
Slowly but surely, Portland is changing its tune when it comes to enforcement of driving rules and behaviors.
The tougher-on-drivers enforcement many have been clamoring for is taking a step forward.
The dedicated traffic enforcement team will be on the streets in less than two days.
Being stopped in traffic is the most common way most people come into contact with the police, but we don’t all experience those stops equally. In Portland (and throughout the United States), people of color are overrepresented in traffic stops, with Black people experiencing the most drastic effects of this bias. And this is more … Read more
Have you noticed an increase in the amount of drivers using obscured license plates on their cars? We sure have. More and more people are trying to skirt the law — and avoid photo radar cameras — by making it hard to read their plates or removing them completely. For obvious reasons, these are illegal. … Read more
H/T Latisha Jenson, Willamette Week In the first eight months of 2020, Portland Police Bureau (PPB) officers made 20,990 traffic stops. According to police data, between New Year’s Day and August 1st, 17.7% of the people stopped were Black — a significant overrepresentation of Portland’s Black population which was 5.8% as of 2019. Over the … Read more
The first-year councilor looks to put her stamp on transportation policy.
Data will help anti-profiling advocates.
Anthony Allen was just coming home from work.
PPB officers camped out on Highway 26 up near the Oregon Zoo to catch speeders. Read their press release below for how that turned out… 53 CITATIONS ISSUED DURING A #VISIONZERO TRAFFIC SAFETY MISSION News Release from Portland Police Bureau Posted on FlashAlert: October 12th, 2016 3:04 PM Downloadable file: Vision_Zero.jpg On Tuesday October 11, … Read more