Police battle speeding drivers as death toll piles up
Activists are trying something new this year to raise awareness of the responsibility we all have as road users, and reinforce the tragic consequences of shirking it.
Activists are trying something new this year to raise awareness of the responsibility we all have as road users, and reinforce the tragic consequences of shirking it.
Whether it’s the Coronavirus Effect, a general sense of lawlessness, lack of concern about consequences, or all of the above — the Portland Police Bureau Traffic Division has been very busy with dangerous drivers recently. You’ve likely seen the headlines about a spike in speeding. This is happening for the aforementioned reasons and because the … Read more
“I’m sick and tired of people speeding around here.”
Portland is desperate for anything that will shake drivers out of their speeding stupor.
One advocate’s quest for a safer street.
Not surprising as culture shifts.
We need more than signs and paint; but we also need signs and paint.
And to think, the USDOT’s official blog used to be called “Fast Lane.”
Because everybody speeds, speeding is really no big deal.
PBOT is playing hard-ball on speeding.
Comment of the Week: Real talk about building bikeways in east Portland