Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

New pavement markings for bike boulevards

First we told you about the new “sharrows” coming soon to select Portland streets…now I’ve just got word from the city that “700 or so” additional pavement markings will be installed on bicycle boulevards starting next week. Bicycle boulevards are designated, low-traffic bike routes without bike lanes, such as SE Ankeny, SE Salmon, NE Tillamook … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

“Sharrows” coming to NW Portland streets

Some great news about a new bike lane marking called “sharrows”. From the Portland Tribune: Sometime in the next few months, the city will start using shared-lane pavement markings, known as “sharrows,” along 12 city blocks, mostly on Northwest 18th and 19th avenues. The markings will depict a cyclist as well as arrows, indicating motorists … Read more