Three Bridges Project ribbon-cutting announced

The $4.7 million, three-year project to create three new bicycle and pedestrian bridges along the Springwater Corridor Trail is finally nearing completion. According to Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder‘s September newsletter, a ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for October 19th. Organizers are still working out details, but save the date for this historic event! The graphic … Read more

Carfree Days will celebrate streets this weekend

This Friday through Sunday, Portlanders will get a taste of Europe when a small section of downtown will be closed to cars. The occassion is the Portland Carfree Days, organized by an emerging group of advocates, who are working with local businesses and non-profit groups to promote alternatives to motorized vehicles in the city and … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

PDOT, advocates work towards tougher laws

[Commissioner Adams (L) and PDOT’s Mark Lear (R) at a Share the Road event last January] Traffic safety specialists at PDOT are working with Transportation Commissioner Sam Adams, the Portland City Council, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, and the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition to beef up their legal toolkit with new laws that will make it easier … Read more