Hawthorne Blvd projects are working well, PBOT says
The projects ticked all PBOT’s boxes and they’ve deemed it a success.
The projects ticked all PBOT’s boxes and they’ve deemed it a success.
Getting boots-on-the-ground to improve cycling conditions on and around this popular main street.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation disappointed a lot of people with their decision to not add bike lanes to Southeast Hawthorne Blvd last year. But if there was a silver lining, it was that they also promised to make the streets around Hawthorne better for bicycling. At Tuesday night’s meeting of the PBOT Bicycle Advisory … Read more
Southeast Portlander Nicole Funke has walked across SE Hawthorne Blvd countless times. As a pedestrian and transit advocate who travels around Portland without a car, Funke knows about the dangers cars and their drivers pose, and she does everything she can to keep herself safe while getting around. But after a recent run-of-the-mill grocery trip … Read more
Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard, with its plethora of artsy thrift shops, cafes and bars, may be one of the first streets to come to mind when you think of quintessential Portland. Hawthorne is always buzzing with activity and people walking up and down the street, perhaps enjoying a cup of coffee from Grand Central Bakery, lugging … Read more
Tuesday was another day that illustrated how Portland has a long way to go to make its streets — even one with a much-heralded recent investment — safe for people not inside cars. Even on Southeast Hawthorne, where the Portland Bureau of Transportation recently completed a major project billed by Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty as … Read more
(BikePortland video shows current conditions on SE Hawthorne eastbound (29th to 49th) and westbound (49th to 34th).
Comment of the Week: Real talk about building bikeways in east Portland