Hidden bikeways near SE Hawthorne Blvd pose challenges for PBOT
Getting boots-on-the-ground to improve cycling conditions on and around this popular main street.
Getting boots-on-the-ground to improve cycling conditions on and around this popular main street.
A grassroots campaign to build support for protected bike lanes on Southeast Hawthorne Blvd has reached a fever pitch ahead of an expected release of a design recommendation by the Portland Bureau of Transportation.
During an online meeting hosted by the Hawthorne Boulevard Business Association this morning, the Portland Bureau of Transportation revealed some very good news: Bike lanes are among the alternatives being considered for their Hawthorne Pave and Paint project. As we first hinted at back in January, the project — which will repave the street between … Read more
“With just cones and a touch of paint, we can quickly and cheaply build a much safer, healthier, and happier Hawthorne,” reads the text of a website at HealthierHawthorne.com that just launched yesterday.
Comment of the Week: Winning over a palm tree skeptic