Despite opposition, Senator Lee Beyer sails through OTC nomination meeting

“I’m concerned about the roads for Oregon’s economy… I like to say that Oregon’s economy moves on wheels and those wheels need something to roll on.” -Lee Beyer Yesterday afternoon, the Oregon Senate Interim Committee On Rules and Executive Appointments heard from the more than 60 of Governor Kate Brown’s nominees to various state boards … Read more

Transportation reform groups push Governor Brown to reconsider commission pick

On Monday we hinted that the nomination of outgoing State Senator Lee Beyer to one of five spots on the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) would be very unpopular with transportation reform activists. And on Tuesday, the leaders of eight advocacy groups signed onto a letter to express specific grievances. Their campaign isn’t focused on Senator … Read more

Governor Brown’s executive order on climate change could have impacts on transportation

Fed up with repeated walk-outs by Republican lawmakers over their objections to climate change legislation, today Oregon Governor Kate Brown took the matter into her own hands. Brown signed Executive Order 20-04 (PDF below) at her desk in Salem this morning surrounded by young students from around the state. At the signing, Brown said, “I … Read more

Governor Brown asked about I-5 Rose Quarter project at City Club event

Governor Kate Brown spent about an hour with members of the City Club of Portland today. At the event, a preview of the 2020 legislative session, Brown fielded two questions about the controversial I-5 Rose Quarter project. As we reported Thursday, the Oregon Department of Transportation and their bosses at the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) … Read more