Desperate for freeway funds, transportation commission mulls all bad options
They made the bed, now we must lie in it.
They made the bed, now we must lie in it.
Governor Kotek has just released names of nominees to replace them.
One source who was at the meeting said their jaw hit the floor.
The majority of projects that received funding aim to increase access to bicycling.
“I’m concerned about the roads for Oregon’s economy… I like to say that Oregon’s economy moves on wheels and those wheels need something to roll on.” -Lee Beyer Yesterday afternoon, the Oregon Senate Interim Committee On Rules and Executive Appointments heard from the more than 60 of Governor Kate Brown’s nominees to various state boards … Read more
An unprecedented level of opposition has formed against Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s nomination for a seat on the Oregon Transportation Commission. The powerful, unelected, five-member body oversees the Oregon Department of Transportation and decides how to spend the state’s $5.1 billion transportation budget. Brown nominated outgoing State Senator Lee Beyer to a four-year term that … Read more
On Monday we hinted that the nomination of outgoing State Senator Lee Beyer to one of five spots on the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) would be very unpopular with transportation reform activists. And on Tuesday, the leaders of eight advocacy groups signed onto a letter to express specific grievances. Their campaign isn’t focused on Senator … Read more
Lane County Democrat Lee Beyer is poised to be the next member of the Oregon Transportation Commission. Governor Kate Brown made the announcement as part of a slate of nominations made public on August 31st. If confirmed, Beyer would replace Commissioner Alando Simpson, whose term expires at the end of this year. The five-member OTC … Read more
“We’re not moving the mode split that quickly on transit, so we’re not reducing congestion, and we’re not reducing carbon… I think there is a chance to see a more dramatic move by people with cars.” — Bob Van Brocklin, Oregon Transportation Commission chair
“When gas prices are high like this, people start making different modal choices, and they never go back.” — Julie Brown, OTC member
Comment of the Week: Real talk about building bikeways in east Portland