County completes bikeway changes on Hawthorne Bridge
This has historically been one of the busiest bikeways not just in the city, but in the entire country.
This has historically been one of the busiest bikeways not just in the city, but in the entire country.
Something was lost in translation between the city and county.
It won’t happen soon enough to reverse injuries to at least one rider.
No more bus and bike conflicts on the eastbound side.
An awkward and dangerous intersection on the Hawthorne Bridge is set to get a major makeover. Portland City Council is expected to authorize an agreement between the Portland Bureau of Transportation and Multnomah County to build the Hawthorne Bridge Traffic Signal Improvement Project. (Project plans available in council ordinance PDF here.) The signal will be … Read more
Ride right, pass left? Or the other way around?
“Move people, not cars.”
See something? Say something and maybe get $1,000 reward.
An altercation that might be symbolic of deeper frustrations in a growing city.