Crash map compares safety of bicycle boulevards
A story I posted yesterday led to interesting comments about bicycle boulevards. We also looked at bike crash data with City traffic safety guru Greg Raisman.
A story I posted yesterday led to interesting comments about bicycle boulevards. We also looked at bike crash data with City traffic safety guru Greg Raisman.
Cynthia Chilton, the woman behind tomorrow’s Traffic SafeTea event, sent me an interesting map the other day. It comes from the City of Portland and shows the location of all the reported bicycle crashes in the Portland metro area from 1995-2004. Here’s the map:
Bicycle Boulevards, like this one on NETillamook, are safer for families.File photo: 3/31/07 As part of a course on Community Development, a group of Portland State University students are helping the BTA plan a bicycle boulevard network in north and northeast Portland. They’ve developed a short survey to identify streets that might be candidates for … Read more
One of the issues that has come up after the recent stop sign enforcement at Ladds Circle is whether or not PDOT should consider changing the stop signs to yields. In response to many people contacting PDOT about this, they have issued a statement from a city traffic engineer with more details (click image for … Read more
Last month, Portland City Commissioner Sam Adams traveled to Montreal. Along for the trip was his Chief of Staff for Transportation, Tom Miller. Tom gave me a brief report about the trip and shared his thoughts about how Montreal’s bike infrastructure and culture compares to Portland.
I noticed some peculiar bike parking downtown the other day.
As many of you know, the downtown bus mall is currently under major re-construction. I’ve had several readers wonder what the plans are for bike parking, both during the upheaval and once it’s complete.
The intersection of N Willamette Blvd and N Rosa Parks Way (formerly known as N Portland Blvd.) is slated for construction of what PDOT refers to as “a bicycle and pedestrian refuge/auto channeling island.”
Southeast Madison Ave — which is the westbound approach to the Hawthorne Bridge and one of the Portland’s most crowded bikeways — is slated for an expansion.
npGreenway, a group of trail advocates working to create a riverfront trail that would connect the Eastbank Esplanade to the St. Johns Bridge, has sent out an urgent call to action.
Michael Downes hopes to bringa “bicycle barometer” to Portland. Michael Downes is relatively new to Portland but he has wasted no time in getting involved with the bike community. After reading an article about a bicycle barometer in Italy, Downes thought it would be a perfect fit for Portland and now he has set off … Read more
There’s a very important call for action coming out of America’s leading bicycle advocacy organizations. The buzz of bad news began at the National Bike Summit where we learned that in 2006 states were required to return part of their transportation budgets to Congress. Many states chose to do this by drastically cutting cash from … Read more