After man drives into crowd, Mayor Wheeler says protestors ‘shouldn’t whine’ at consequences of defying police orders
He made the comments at last week’s City Council meeting.
He made the comments at last week’s City Council meeting.
A new exhibit forces us to reflect on corking’s consequences and our community.
The demands keep piling up — right along with the deaths. Will actions follow?
Anger and frustration about Portland deadly roadways — and a feeling that local officials have not done enough in response to it — has been simmering (and at times boiling over) for months. At a press conference Monday morning at City Hall, that anger revealed itself in the voices and actions of several protestors who … Read more
Is it possible for a protest to be safe and peaceful when it blocks bus and bike lanes on a busy arterial?
Could corkers encounter consequences?
Nearly 200 people literally put their bodies on the line to make a point.
Comment of the Week: Real talk about building bikeways in east Portland