Tabor path opens to rave reviews, but crossing concerns remain
We can’t build a better crossing here soon enough.
We can’t build a better crossing here soon enough.
We’ve waited 11 years, so why rush to build an inadequate solution?
One small step for Parks, one giant leap for Portland.
Jersey barriers aren’t ideal, but neither is the high rate of miscreant drivers.
The new infrastructure is doing fine. Some folks who live nearby? Not so much.
This time, PBOT is not messing around.
Someone took their opposition to this project way too far.
On. Off. On again.
On second thought, PBOT pulls back on a plan for fewer cars through Rose City Park golf course.
The project will help bike riders get across Halsey and is part of a larger PBOT effort to tame drivers on the dangerous arterial.
Nice idea. But it won’t work — and it will only raise the city’s suspicions even more.