As promised, PBOT will beef up diversion on Michigan Ave neighborhood greenway

PBOT project manager Ross Swanson (red shirt) and Piedmont residents Justin Thompson (middle) and Noah Brimhall discuss ideas to make Michigan Ave work better.(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland) Nearly two years ago, the Bureau of Transportation made a promise to residents of the Piedmont neighborhood: If a partial median at N. Rosa Parks Way and Michigan … Read more

Eyes on the Street: New striping, medians at N. Vancouver and Morris – UPDATED

New striping and more on N. Vancouver Ave.(Photos: Joan Petit) The Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) has made changes to the street around the intersection of N. Vancouver Avenue and Morris. This stretch of Vancouver is a busy bikeway and it sees a fair amount of people walking due to the adjacent park (Dawson Park) and … Read more

Help is on the way! Maintenance and paving coming to neighborhood greenways

PBOT has already marked areas in need of repair on N Michigan Ave and many other neighborhood greenways throughout the city.(Photo © J. Maus/BikePortland) BikePortland News Editor Michael Andersen contributed reporting for this story. Have you noticed the white paint that outlines the many cracks and potholes on your favorite neighborhood greenway? They started appearing … Read more

Sharrows, sparrows and a roadway revolution

St. Johns resident Walker Leiser (and his daughter) have seen their neighborhood transform in part because of the tree-lined, traffic-calmed street that runs through it.(Photos © J. Maus/BikePortland) What the Bureau of Transportation has done in the past few years to develop a low-stress residential street network has revolutionized Portland neighborhoods. The changes aren’t always … Read more

Small but important changes make North Michigan a better bikeway

When it comes to making neighborhood streets nicer for bicycling, sometimes little things can make a huge difference. N. Michigan Avenue is a good example. The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) began to make Michigan an official part of their neighborhood greenway network just over one year ago. The improvements have come slowly and in … Read more

Ray Thomas on the unintended consequences of “ambiguous intersections”

What you see driving north on MLK Jr. Blvd at NE Going Street. Noted local lawyer, bike law expert, and veteran advocate Ray Thomas has penned a new article about what he feels is a safety issue at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd (MLK) and N Going Street. Thomas is known for … Read more