Guest Editorial: A city where bikes and streetcars coexist

Chris Smith [This article was written by Chris Smith. Chris is a multi-modal transportation advocate who writes regularly on In the late 1990s he helped win neighborhood approval of the NW Bikeways plan that established the bicycle network in NW Portland and the Pearl District. He currently serves as chair of the Streetcar Citizens … Read more

Guest Editorial: Speaking up on the CRC

[Editor’s note: This guest editorial was written by first-time BikePortland contributor Spencer Boomhower. Spencer testified in front of City Council during a hearing on the Columbia River Crossing held last Thursday.] Spencer Boomhower I’m sitting at a table with a microphone sticking in my face, and a little digital counter telling me how much time … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Outgoing planning director says bikes should be “primary mode of transportation”

“Retrofitting the cityscape for bicycles as a primary mode of transportation needs to be a priority.”— Gill Kelley, outgoing director of the Planning Bureau Whether you follow city politics or not, you’ve got to recognize that Portland is at an exciting point in its history. Yes, we face major challenges, but we’ve got a fresh … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Adams wants Portland to be hub of “green revolution”

Adams, looking confident at a party in City Hall last night.(Photos © J. Maus) During his speech at the swearing-in ceremony at Parkrose High School yesterday, Mayor Sam Adams laid out his top three priorities; jobs, education, and sustainability. There was no mention of bikes specifically, but it’s clear that “sustainability” is where Adams plans … Read more

Guest Article: Why Portland needs a safe passing distance ordinance

Christopher Heaps The article below was written by Christopher Heaps. Heaps is a Sellwood resident who rides his bike daily to his job as a lawyer with Stoel Rives in downtown Portland. You might remember Heaps as the lawyer who garnered a headline or two for successfully carrying out the “citizen-initiated citation” process. We wrote … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Guest Article: Erik Tonkin on why he joined the FPC

Erik Tonkin(Photos © J. Maus) [Publisher’s note: This article was written by Sellwood Cycle Repair co-owner, community advocate, and beloved off-road racer, Erik Tonkin. Erik writes about an issue that’s close to his heart, mountain bike access in Forest Park. He’s been riding his mountain-bike and ‘cross bike in the park for 16 years. For … Read more

Portland and the rise of the “American-style” cycle track

“Sam (Adams) has directed (City Traffic Engineer) Rob Burchfield to indentify opportunities for a “high visibility” cycle track to be rolled out in Sam’s first 100 days as mayor.” — Sam Adams’ chief of staff Tom Miller, in an email to Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder There’s no denying that 2009 is shaping up to be … Read more