Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Nick Bucher memorial plans

[Nick Bucher1983-2007]Photo: KATU TV In case you didn’t notice the comment left by Nick Bucher’s family, here it is: “Nick’s family and friends very much appreciate the comments on this site about Nick. Thank you all! A funeral Mass for Nick is going to be held at Holy Family Catholic Church, at S.E. 39th and … Read more

More thoughts as attacks on cyclists continue

“Last weekend I was riding down NE Skidmore in broad sunlight, they walked out into the street as I passed and punched me…”-Gabriel Amadeus, in a comment on the Portland Mercury blog In the last few days I’ve heard of two more attacks on cyclists. Both of them happened in Northeast Portland. One near the … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Jobs of the week: 2/2/07

In case you missed the announcement, I’ve now got a Job Listings service. These listings are a great way to find the perfect job, or to find the perfect employee. They won’t always be bike-related, but they’ll always be from bike-friendly organizations.

Concerns about the Crossing

[Transportation activist and blogger Chris Smith questionsthe Crossing at a panel discussion on 1/4/07.] Last night at my neighborhood meeting I heard two strange presentations. They both had to do with billion dollar mega-projects that are intended to increase capacity on Interstate 5 and thereby decrease congestion. As I listened I couldn’t help but feel … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

PDOT announces Bicycle Master Plan Rides

“Can we create–even if only for a little while and in a limited area–the feeling one gets when riding in world class cycling cities?”-PDOT’s Roger Geller In case you haven’t heard the buzz, PDOT is in the midst of updating their Bicycle Master Plan (the current one is over 10 years old). The Bicycle Master … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bike projects vie for Big Pipe grants

[The Rose Quarter might get better soon. (Looking North from Interstate Blvd. toward Wheeler).] As part of the East Side Big Pipe construction project, the Bureau of Environmental Services will fund $2 million worth of projects to, “neighborhoods and business districts affected by combined sewer overflow construction”. They call it their Community Benefits Opportunity Program. … Read more