Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Despite ruling, Officer continues to ticket fixed gear riders

[Officer Brett Barnum taking the oath at the Ayla Holland trial.] Officer Brett Barnum of the Portland Police Bureau Traffic Division has been at the center of the fixed gear enforcement issue. He was the officer who convinced a traffic court judge to uphold his citation of Ayla Holland back on July 28th (the case … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Police perspective on fixed-gear enforcement

Several cyclists out on the streets in the last few days have relayed their concerns to me about what they perceive as increased police enforcement of fixed-gear riders. Given the recent court decision and heightened awareness of this issue, I asked Traffic Division Lieutenant Mark Kruger for an official stance on how the Portland Police … Read more

Police, Zoobombers come to terms on Hellway

[Zoobombers on Burnside.] Highway 26 leading into downtown Portland is a traditional route sometimes used by Zoobombers. They call it “the Hellway” and it is simultaneously feared and revered by many. While it’s usually legal to ride bikes on Highway 26, because of a sewer construction project, currently the Hellway route is off-limts. In early … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Meet a bicycle crash investigation expert

[Officer Darke Hull.] Officer Darke Hull of the Portland Police Bureau Traffic Division is one of six Portland officers to have been recently certified as a Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Investigation expert. The certification came after a rigourous, 5-day course offered by the Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM). I met with Officer Hull … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Lieutenant gives his perspective on stop sign enforcement

Last week, there was a lot of discussion about a stop sign enforcment mission by the Traffic Division of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB). In response to a citizen complaint, they sent several officers out to SE 23rd and Salmon Streets to nab law-breaking cyclists. Until now, the one group we hadn’t heard from was … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Police sting cyclists in response to complaint

Yesterday morning the Portland Police Bureau Traffic Division set up a sting at SE 23rd and Salmon streets. Several cyclists were given $242 dollar fines (the same amount for motor vehicles) for rolling through the four-way stop. This enforcement “mission” was motivated by a phone call to 823-SAFE (the City’s traffic safety hotline) several weeks … Read more