Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Enforcement action near Broadway Bridge

This just in from BikePortland correspondent Carl Larson: Portland Police Bureau motorcycle officers are currently conducting an enforcement sting on NE Broadway Blvd. as it approaches the east side of the Broadway bridge. If you’re headed that way, consider this a friendly reminder to be on your best behavior. If you were stopped and/or ticketed, … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Update on enforcement statistics and perception

My Perceptions of enforcement post last week spurred some interesting discussion. Curious about how the perception of my readers differed from the reality of statistics, I asked for people to guess how many tickets were written to bicyclists last month. Of the 74 comments the average guess was around 60. As promised, here are the … Read more

Perceptions of enforcement

The issue of enforcement against bicycles is contributing to an increasingly acrimonious relationship between the Police Bureau and some members of the bike community. In addition to the well-publicized and unresolved fixed-gear bicycle issue, allegations of selective enforcement are still being made, especially by downtown messengers who feel they’re being unfairly targeted for both fixed-gears … Read more

One cyclist’s perspective on bike day in court

The following notes on yesterday’s court proceedings are from local transportation activist and regular Shift volunteer, Carl Larson (photo). “These trials really drove the larger point of all of this home to me. These officers hide behind the shield of “safety,” but in many cases, their real goal is to protect the interests of motor … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Ginsberg gets his own day in court

[Mark Ginsberg inhis other suit.] Mark Ginsberg is a Portland-based lawyer who specializes in bicycle-related cases. He’s also the guy who represented messenger Ayla Holland in the infamous fixed gear brake trial. Since that case, the Portland Police have continued to scrutinize bicyclists. They’re citing not only brakeless fixed-gear bicycle riders without handbrakes, but several … Read more