Note: I'm currently on a family trip and not working normal hours. Email and message responses will be delayed and story and posting volumes here and on our social media accounts will not be at their usual levels until I return to Portland September 4th. Thanks for your patience and understanding. - Jonathan Maus, BikePortland Publisher and Editor

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Cyclocross weekend will be full of spirits

Doug Ollerenshaw as Pac-Manat last year’s Halloween race.View slideshow below(Photo © Jonathan Maus) Traditionally, the Halloween edition of the Cross Crusade is two days of fun and partying. Last year’s race, full of costumes and silliness, was one of my favorite events of the year. But this year, in light of recent events, things might … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Trucker’s problems should lead to reforms

As detailed yesterday by the Oregonian (and later discussed on this site), the driver of the AGG Enterprises garbage truck that killed Brett Jarolimek last week had a slew of speeding infractions on his record. Now, I’ve learned that speeding was the least of his problems. According to my research and to sources who have … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Oregonian: Truck driver has had 25 speeding convictions

*[Updated 10/24, 5:11pm] (Photo: Bob Mionske) Today’s edition of the Oregonian has more coverage of the collision that claimed the life of Brett Jarolimek. One of their stories, Truck driver has checkered record, reports that the driver of the garbage truck has had, “…a string of run-ins with police, including 25 convictions for speeding, driving … Read more

Commissioner Adams to convene “emergency meeting”

[*Updated: 8:45pm] (Photo © Jonathan Maus) City Commissioner of Transportation Sam Adams is convening an “emergency meeting” to discuss what the city can do to prevent bicycle fatalities in light of, “a recent string of tragedies”. An email invitation sent from his office says, “The conversation will focus on potential policy measures that could be … Read more

Remembrances of Brett Jarolimek

*[Updated: 10/24, 12:39pm] The victim of today’s fatal collision in North Portland was Brett Jarolimek. Brett was an employee of the Bike Gallery and his death has hit many in our tight-knit community very hard. Brett Jarolimek racing at Alpenrose a few weeks ago.(Photo © Jonathan Maus) “Artist, craftsman, son, brother, cyclist, friend… I miss … Read more

Safer Streets: A sign of respect for non-motorized vehicle lanes

With all the discussion going on about how to make bike travel safer on crowded downtown streets, I thought we should take a closer look at some of the options on the table. The first one has to do with signage and how legislation, enforcement, and engineering deal with non-motorized vehicle travel lanes (previously known … Read more