New designs revealed for N Willamette Blvd Corridor project
Major changes will start next spring and be completed by summer 2026.
Major changes will start next spring and be completed by summer 2026.
Nice idea. But it won’t work — and it will only raise the city’s suspicions even more.
Tucked into President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was a new, $3.2 billion infrastructure program specifically tailored to fund projects that make biking and walking easier and safer in underserved areas where existing facilities, “create barriers to community connectivity.” The City of Portland Bureau of Transportation thinks North/Northeast Broadway and Weidler between 7th Avenue … Read more
A new bikey hangout, and it should be open for business in the coming weeks.
A massive step forward for southwest Portland and our bike network in general.
Medians, crossings, and much more to effectively narrow this wide expanse of pavement.
It came during a meeting back in December that just surfaced online.
Another valuable piece of the growing Columbia River Gorge cycling network.
Years of promises and work to rebuild trust hangs in the balance.
The conversations that will transform 82nd Avenue are heating up.
It’s a great step forward, but could use some polish to truly move the needle.
The off-set intersection has a long crash history.