Bicycle count report uncovers interesting stats

[Download the report]PDF, 255K Roger Geller — PDOT‘s bicycle coordinator — has just released a 21-page report that details the “significant findings and analysis” of the 2006 bicycle counts. Last summer, 53 volunteers fanned out across the entire metro area and conducted 73 distinct counts at 56 locations. Their findings, which are presented in both … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

SW Trails steps up bike planning efforts

[Southwest Trails logo] Don Baack of SW Trails is spear-heading an effort to bring a more connected, safe and accessible bike route network to the hills of SW Portland. He’ll lead a bike ride through SE Portland on Saturday (9/30) to take a closer look at that area’s successful network of low-traffic, bike-friendly streets known … Read more

Three Bridges Project ribbon-cutting announced

The $4.7 million, three-year project to create three new bicycle and pedestrian bridges along the Springwater Corridor Trail is finally nearing completion. According to Metro Councilor Rex Burkholder‘s September newsletter, a ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for October 19th. Organizers are still working out details, but save the date for this historic event! The graphic … Read more

Update: Burnside gets new bike/ped crossing signal

[Update: According to a PDOT press release, this new signal is operational as of 9:00AM today, 10/10/06] [As of August 30th]Photo: flickrplease The intersection at E. Burnside and 41st streets will soon be much safer for bicyclists and pedestrians. PDOT is installing a new, high-tech crossing signal that is slated for completion by the end … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Update: Sneak peak at potential Sellwood Bridge design

[Graphic from cover of winning proposal to renovate the Sellwood Bridge.] An employee for the civil engineering firm that won the bid to renovate the Sellwood Bridge* is working on the Sellwood Bridge project has forwarded me a graphic from the cover of their winning proposal that shows a generous 14 foot wide path for … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

ODOT wants input on Bryant Overpass

[The Bryant Street bike/ped bridgeover I-5 in North Portland.] Yesterday I met ODOT transportation planner Joyce Felton. Joyce is in charge of the seven community enhancement projects ODOT is funding as part of their I-5 Delta Park Project. One of those projects is the Bryant Street Overpass, a bicycle and pedestrian bridge that crosses I-5 … Read more