Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Tribune article forces PDOT to defend bike boxes

A bike box in downtown Portland.(Photos © J. Maus) The Portland Tribune has published an article about concerns raised by citizens and the Oregon Department of Transportation over the usage, safety and efficacy of the newly installed bike boxes. The story’s sub-headline reads, “Some cycling advocates are trying to stick a wrench in the spokes … Read more

Police begin enforcement of new bike box

Officer Voepel keeps a watchful eye on the new bike box.(Photos © J. Maus) This morning, officers from the Portland Police Bureau’s Traffic Division began a series of targeted enforcement missions at the new bike box on SE Hawthorne Blvd. Traffic Division Lieutenant Bryan Parman and three of his officers were on hand to watch … Read more

PDOT announces bike box press event; will unveil educational video

(Photo © J. Maus) Billing it as an, “event to celebrate Portland’s new ‘Green Space’,” the City of Portland’s Office of Transportation has just announced details of a press event next week that will draw attention to their first installation of a series of bike safety improvements around the city. The event will be held … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Police plan bike box enforcement strategy

Traffic Division Captain Larry O’Dea.(Photo © J. Maus) The City of Portland’s campaign to remake several intersections with colored bike boxes and bike lanes is made up of much more than just markings on the pavement. Along with the new markings comes a significant change to the law; at all intersections slated to receive a … Read more