Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sellwood Bridge dialogue heats up

Chatter about the Sellwood Bridge is on the upswing. The old bridge, which is failing under its own weight, is set to either be significantly renovated or completely re-constructed. Regional bike planners, advocates, and advisory committee members are getting ready with plans, letters, photographic evidence, informal polls, whatever it takes to ensure that any new … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Microcosm party to feature bike documentaries, workshops

Microcosm Publishing is having a 10th birthday party this weekend and they’ve got some good bikey fun lined up. On Sunday night company founder Joe Biel will debut his 11-minute documentary, “Martinis in the Bike Lane,” which is a history of Portland’s unique bike lane markings. Joe asked BikePortland.org readers for input when he began … Read more