Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Survey hopes to improve Lloyd District, Rose Quarter access

[Roger Geller at the Rose Quarter.] The Lloyd District Transportation Management Association (LDTMA) has conducted a survey of cyclists to determine potential solutions to a major problem in our bikeway network; getting through the Lloyd District and Rose Quarter. The Rose Quarter is the name given to the jumbled mix of MAX, bus, bike and … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

CCC announces mural project, calls for volunteers

[Mural detail. Photo Carye Bye] The Community Cycling Center (CCC) in Northeast Portland has announced a mural project. According to the CCC’s Alison Hill the mural will be painted on the west facing wall at 1700 NE Alberta Street and will depict a children’s pedal-powered costume parade. A local artist, with funding by the Regional … Read more

New criteria for Platinum: singletrack

[A slide from Andy Clarke’sMTB Summit presentation.]Photo R. Louton Portland United Mountain Pedalers (PUMP) board member Roger Louton sees a golden opportunity to push for more singletrack mountain biking trails in Portland. He just returned home from the IMBA World Mountain Bike Conference where he heard the Executive Director of the League of American Bicyclists … Read more

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

BTA seeks ideas, inspiration in series of summer trips

Next week, two BTA staffers and one “super-intern” will head South on a reconaissance mission to California. Their top-secret mission is to observe and glean ideas from other innovative and bike-friendly cities. First, they’ll visit Davis to “see what Platinum looks and feels like”. Then they’ll continue south down to Berkeley to check out their … Read more

Heat no match for Bike Fair fun

I can’t think of a more fitting end to Pedalpalooza than thousands of people coming together at Saturday’s Multnomah County Bike Fair at Colonel Summers Park. At the peak of the day, fair organizers counted 1250 bicycles scattered throughout the park! Despite a sweltering sun the competitions rocked and all the booths were packed with … Read more

Police, Zoobombers come to terms on Hellway

[Zoobombers on Burnside.] Highway 26 leading into downtown Portland is a traditional route sometimes used by Zoobombers. They call it “the Hellway” and it is simultaneously feared and revered by many. While it’s usually legal to ride bikes on Highway 26, because of a sewer construction project, currently the Hellway route is off-limts. In early … Read more